The myth of Lokis monstrous children - Iseult Gillespie

The myth of Lokis monstrous children - Iseult Gillespie with tags loki's children, loki, odin, hel, fenrir, jormungandr, tyr, thor, norse mythology, asgard, angrboda, jotunheim, underworld, dwarf smith, forge, gleipnir, unbreakable chain, fenrirs revenge, odins prophecy, queen of the underworld, mythology, myths, ted ed myths, education, animation, iseult gillespie, where the crawdads sing, layron dejarnette, gumboyo, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Odin, the king of Asgard, was plagued by nightmares. Three fearsome figures haunted his dreams: a massive, writhing shadow; a shambling, rotting corpse; and worst of all, a monstrous beast with a deadly bite. Though their true forms were unknown to him, he could tell they were related to Asgard’s most persistent problem: Loki. Iseult Gillespie details the myth of Loki's secret children.
Lesson by Iseult Gillespie, directed by Layron DeJarnette, Gumboyo.
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