A brief history of the devil - Brian A. Pavlac

A brief history of the devil - Brian A. Pavlac with tags devil, satan, lucifer, mephistopheles, the bible, old testament, new testament, god, angels, jesus, religion, dante alighieri, dantes inferno, circles of hell, hell, heaven, sin, lil nas x, sinners, michael pacher, saint augustine and the devil, renaissance, paradise lost, john milton, doctor faust, faustus, faustian, christopher marlowe, johann wolfgang von goethe, education, art, animation, brian a. pavlac, reza riahi, mehdi shiri, history, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Satan, the beast crunching sinners’ bones. Lucifer, the fallen angel. Mephistopheles, the trickster striking deals. These three divergent devils are all based on Satan of the Old Testament. But unlike any of these literary devils, the Satan of the Bible was a relatively minor character. So how did he become the ultimate antagonist, with so many different forms? Brian A. Pavlac investigates.
Lesson by Brian A. Pavlac, directed by Reza Riahi & Mehdi Shiri.
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