A brief history of banned numbers - Alessandra King

A brief history of banned numbers - Alessandra King with tags ted, ted-ed, ted education, ted ed, alessandra king, juan m. urbina studios, banned numbers, pythagoras, pythagoreans, hippasus, rational numbers, irrational numbers, numbers, whole number, fraction, real numbers, zero, florence, leopold kronecker
Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tededView full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/a-brief-history-of-banned-numbers-alessandra-kingThey say the pen is mightier than the sword, and authorities have often agreed. From outlawed religious tracts and revolutionary manifestos to censored and burned books, we know the potential power of words to overturn the social order. But as strange as it may seem, some numbers have also been considered dangerous enough to ban. Alessandra King details the history behind illegal numbers. Lesson by Alessandra King, directed by Juan M. Urbina Studios.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible. Yankai Liu, Ghassan Alhazzaa, Milo Stevanovi, Narat Suchartsunthorn, Joy Love Om, Gi Nam Lee, Shawn Quichocho, Simone Kidner, Dale Dualan, Barun Padhy, Sarah Ford, Jessica James, John Ess, Brandy Jones, Devin Harris, Tony Trapuzzano, Stephen Michael Alvarez, Tom Lee, Juliana, Jason Weinstein, Hoang Ton, Kris Siverhus.