Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work? - Netta Schramm

Why don't perpetual motion machines ever work? - Netta Schramm with tags ted, ted-ed, ted education, ted ed, netta schramm, perpetual motion, perpetual motion machine, energy, thermodynamics, bhaskara the learned, robert boyle, magnet, wheel, renewable energy, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, light bulb, battery, capillary action
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-don-t-perpetual-motion-machines-ever-work-netta-schrammPerpetual motion machines devices that can do work indefinitely without any external energy source have captured many inventors imaginations because they could totally transform our relationship with energy. Theres just one problem: they dont work. Why not? Netta Schramm describes the pitfalls of perpetual motion machines. Lesson by Netta Schramm, animation by TED-Ed.