Where Is Thumbkin Ep 73 | Kids Songs | Hooplakidz


Where Is Thumbkin Ep 73 | Kids Songs | Hooplakidz with tags hooplakidz, hooplakidz, hooplakidz songs, nursery rhymes, baby songs, where is thumbkin, kids songs, children songs, songs for kids, where is thumbkin rhymes, where is thumbkin nursery rhyme, kids videos, preschool, nursery songs, toddlers, kindergarten songs, finger family, finger family song

Can you find thumbkin and his friends? With the ever-so-popular finger family song by HooplaKidz, sing-along and spot thumbkin and his friends and see how they are doing.

00:00 Intro

00:09 Where Is Thumbkin

02:33 Wheels On The Bus

03:56 12 Buckle My Shoe

04:56 Head Shoulders Knees Toes

07:25 Miss Polly Had A Dolly

08:38 Wheels On The Yellow Bus

09:59 Row Row Row Your Boat

11:05 London Bridge Is Falling Down

13:04 Jack And Jill

14:36 Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall

16:03 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

17:19 Hot Cross Buns

19:19 12 Buckle My Shoe

20:21 I'm A Little Teapot

22:03 Baa Baa Black Sheep

23:00 Five Little Monkeys

24:48 Wheels On The Blue Bus

27:27 Wheels On The Green Bus

29:42 Wheels On The Yellow Bus

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HooplaKidz is one of the most popular YouTube channels for preschoolers featuring the cutest and coolest characters in town Annie, Ben and Mango singing and dancing to many popular nursery rhymes and original songs as well as super fun learning videos.

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