Where is Thumbkin? | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs from Dave and Ava

Where is Thumbkin? | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs from Dave and Ava with tags where is thumbkin, dave and ava baby songs, baby songs, songs for kids, dave and ava, rhymes for children, kids songs, songs for babies, children songs, rhymes for kids, songs for children, videos for babies, baby rhymes, baby song, baby
Download Dave and Ava's App for iOS https://goo.gl/6G93HR and Android https://goo.gl/oghnGe Where is Thumbkin? new nursery rhymes collection by Dave and Ava! Subscribe now for new nursery rhymes - https://www.youtube.com/DaveAndAva?sub_confirmation=1 Watch our collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcsjhHhVunI&t=25s&list=PLURXwwh2i_mcgwdQrVMmh-txx-g1qRcZX&index=1If you like this video, share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4hhJ5HoHcY&feature=youtu.beFrom Thumbkin to Pinkie, our cute little mouse Philip volunteers to help your little ones learning the name of each finger. He did not expect it to be such a fun adventure! Enjoy new nursery rhymes collection by Dave and Ava!Go to your favorite song for kids:00:19 Where Is Thumbkin? 03:47 Six Little Ducks 08:32 Down in the Jungle 10:28 Five Little Kittens Jumping on the Bed 13:34 This Little Piggy 15:57 Farm Animals Song 20:20 Phonics Song Part 2 23:12 Pat a Cake 26:03 One Little Finger Part 2 28:37 Old MacDonald Had a Farm Watch more nursery rhymes from Dave and Ava: The Wheels on the Bus - Animal Sounds Song | Nursery Rhymes Compilation from Dave and Ava https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1f7cs4Gv2Y Yankee Doodle | Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes and Songs for Kids from Dave and Ava https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McVxUs7d7okPlease like and share to show your support! Our social media profiles:https://www.facebook.com/daveandavatv https://www.instagram.com/daveandava https://twitter.com/daveandava https://www.youtube.com/daveandava#daveandava #daveandavanurseryrhymes #DaveAndAvaTime #nurseryrhymes #nurseryrhyme #preschool #kidssongs #kids #preschool #babysongs #baby #singalong #singalongsong #kidsrhymes #toddlersCopyright Dave and Ava LTD 2018. All rights reserved.