What really happened to Oedipus? - Stephen Esposito

What really happened to Oedipus? - Stephen Esposito with tags oedipus, tragedy, greek tragedy, apollo, oracle, oracle of delphi, prophecy, apollo prophecy, thebes, corinth, jocasta, laius, mount cithaeron, polybus, merope, sphinx, sphinx riddle, tiresias, sophocles, sophocles play, oedipus rex, colonus, greek myth, greek mythology, mythology, education, animation, stephen esposito, yael reisfeld, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Dig into the tragic tale of Oedipus, who unknowingly fulfills a prophecy that he would kill his father and marry his mother.
When Queen Jocasta of Thebes gave birth to Oedipus, a grim air seized the occasion. Her husband, King Laius, had received a prophecy from Apollo's oracle foretelling that he would die at the hands of his own son. Determined to escape this fate, Laius abandoned the newborn on Mount Cithaeron. But divine prophecies can be quite stubborn. Stephen Esposito shares the tragic Greek tale of Oedipus.
Lesson by Stephen Esposito, directed by Yael Reisfeld.
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