What If Earth Was the Only Planet in the Solar System? | Importance of Other Planets | Dr. Binocs

What If Earth Was the Only Planet in the Solar System? | Importance of Other Planets | Dr. Binocs with tags what if earth was the only planet in the solar system, what if all the planets disappeared except earth, what if other planets disappear, earth, earth as one planet in the solar system, what if earth was the only planet, our planet in the solar system, universe and solar system explained, solar system, lonely planet, earth and sun, what happens if, planets, asteroids and comets, why are all planets important, planets video for kids, goldilocks zone, dr binocs, peekaboo kidz
It's safe to say that no matter where we end up, if it's not the Goldilocks Zone, there's a pretty good chance there wouldn't be any life here on Earth. If life did form somehow, it would definitely be aquatic. That's because, without any other planets keeping us in check, Earth's gravity would be severely different.
#earth #solarsystem #planets #drbinocsshow #peekabookidz
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