What happens if an engineered virus escapes the lab?


What happens if an engineered virus escapes the lab? with tags lab leaks, lab leak, superbugs, engineered virus, virus, viruses, lab outbreak, pathogens, emerging pathogens, spillover virus, viral spillover, zoonotic spillover, disease outbreak, pandemic, anthrax, bioweapons, sverdlovsk, gain of function, gene therapy, cancer treatment, vaccine production, eppp, enhanced potential pandemic pathogens, ebola, bird flu, virology, science, education, animation, george zaidan, kevin herrmann, aim creative studios, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

How do we keep labs that handle dangerous pathogens safe and leak-free? Dig into the ongoing debate over virology research.


Since the 1970s, researchers have engineered superbugs. While this research could help us prepare for future outbreaks, the stakes of this work are extremely high: if even one dangerous virus escaped a lab, it could cause a global pandemic. So, what can we do to minimize risk? And is the knowledge gained even worth the risk in the first place? Dig into the ongoing debate over virology research.

Directed by Kevin Herrmann, AIM Creative Studios.

This video made possible in collaboration with the Forethought Foundation

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