What happened when these 6 dictators took over - Stephanie Honchell Smith


What happened when these 6 dictators took over - Stephanie Honchell Smith with tags dictators, dictator, dictatorship, benevolent dictator, myth of benevolent dictator, government, democracy, authoritarian, leadership, cincinnatus, rome, roman empire, elections, branches of government, civic engagement, corruption, economic instability, political polarization, pinochet, mobuto, gaddafi, mussolini, hitler, fascism, authoritarianism, term limits, propaganda, checks and balances, censorship, education, animation, stephanie honchell smith, avi ofer, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Examine the myth of the benevolent dictator, which is a leader who holds absolute power yet only uses it for the common good.


Under certain conditions, the idea of a dictator can sound appealing, like when a democracy isn’t functioning as it should due to corruption or political polarization. People may believe the solution is a "benevolent dictator"— a leader who only uses their absolute power for the common good. But can such a leader actually exist in today’s world? Stephanie Honchell Smith examines this common myth.

Lesson by Stephanie Honchell Smith, directed by Avi Ofer.

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