We Nearly Died. A Lot. (Shipwreckers! Book - plus behind the scenes)

We Nearly Died. A Lot. (Shipwreckers! Book - plus behind the scenes) with tags shipwreckers, disney hyperion, disney, hyperion, vfx, amazon, jungle, raft, danger
http://bit.ly/Shipwreckers - Get the book for you or your kids now!Not a paid endorsement - our amazing friend Josh wrote a book called Shipwreckers: The Curse of the Cursed Temple of Curses - or - We Nearly Died. A Lot. From Amazon: When Dani and her big brother Mike find themselves aboard the ill-fated river expedition of careless adventurer, Captain Kevin, they must work together to save themselves and the captain from all manner of deadly trials and traps.Official Contest Rules:We are giving away an autographed copy of Shipwreckers: The Curse of the Cursed Temple of Curses - or - We Nearly Died. A Lot. to a person who makes a funny comment below that Joshua Pruett and Scott Peterson pick as the funniest. This is, of course, completely subjective. On Friday, June 29th after a winner is picked, we will announce the winner via social media (YouTube Community announcement), and make our best attempt to contact the individual. Person must help put is in contact with someone 18 years or older to facilitate shipping of the prize. If we are unable to establish contact with the winner within three days, we will repeat the process with the next runner-up. YouTube and Disney Hyperion are not a sponsor of this contest, and are released from any and all liability related to the contest.