Watch this if you're scared of snakes - Andrew Whitworth


Watch this if you're scared of snakes - Andrew Whitworth with tags vipers, viper, viper venom, snakes, viper species, viper snake species, rattlesnakes, bushmaster, bushmaster snake, spider tailed viper, gaboon viper, viviparity, venom, venomous snakes, snake bite, viper bite, diamondback rattlesnake, rattlesnake sound, keratin, heat signature, bushmaster nest, most venomous snake, desert kangaroo rat, desert kangaroo rat vs snake, science, education, animation, andrew whitworth, billie baxter, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Travel around the world to visit some of nature’s most incredible snakes: vipers, and find out which are the most dangerous.


As of 2021, there are 368 species of viper worldwide. The name comes from the term viviparity, which means giving birth to live young. Vipers are often highly venomous, with two hollow, extra long fangs that unfold into imposing weapons when the viper prepares to strike. So, which are the most dangerous? Andrew Whitworth travels around the world to visit some of nature’s most incredible snakes.

Lesson by Andrew Whitworth, directed by Billie Baxter.

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