U.S. Presidents Song for Kids - Washington to Biden - Learn the Presidents & Inauguration Year


U.S. Presidents Song for Kids - Washington to Biden - Learn the Presidents & Inauguration Year with tags u.s. presidents, inauguration day, presidents of the united states of america, presidents of the u.s.a., usa presidents, joe biden president, president names and inauguration dates, 2021 us president, 46th president, 2020 election, presidents, presidents song, us presidents, american history, us history, us presidents song, american presidents, united states presidents, us presidents in order, learn the presidents, 46 presidents, president of the united states

Learn the presidents and get ready for Inauguration Day with this up-to-date rap song for kids about the American presidents. Here’s a fun rap song to learn the 46 presidents of the United States of America in order and the year each one was inaugurated, including Barak Obama and Donald Trump through President-elect Joe Biden. Kids benefit from learning the presidents as part of understanding U.S history. This U.S. Presidents Song includes images of each American president. Music makes it fun to to learn the presidents and helps you remember them. Get ready to rap along with D.J. Doc Roc and learn the Presidents of the United States and the year that each president took office.


The presidents of the United States of America

Let’s learn about the presidents of the United States.

The day that they took office was their inauguration date.

Now let’s say the presidents in the order they were here.

First we’ll say the president, then we’ll say the year.

George Washington 1789

John Adams 1797

Thomas Jefferson 1801

James Madison 1809

James Monroe 1817

John Quincy Adams 1825

Andrew Jackson 1829

Martin Van Buren 1837

The presidents of the

United States of America

William Henry Harrison 1841

John Tyler 1841

James K. Polk 1845

Zachary Taylor 1849

Millard Fillmore 1850

Franklin Pierce 1853

James Buchanan 1857

Abraham Lincoln 1861

Andrew Johnson 1865

Ulysses S. Grant 1869

Rutherford B. Hayes 1877

James A. Garfield 1881

Chester A. Arthur 1881

Grover Cleveland 1885

Benjamin Harrison 1889

Grover Cleveland 1893

The presidents of the

United States of America

William McKinley 1897

Theodore Roosevelt 1901

William Howard Taft 1909

Woodrow Wilson 1913

Warren G. Harding 1921

Calvin Coolidge 1923

Herbert Hoover 1929

Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933

Harry S. Truman 1945

Dwight D. Eisenhower 1953

John F. Kennedy 1961

Lyndon B. Johnson 1963

Richard M. Nixon 1969

Gerald R. Ford 1974

Jimmy Carter 1977

Ronald Reagan 1981

The presidents of the

United States of America

George Bush 1989

Bill Clinton 1993

George W. Bush 2001

Barack Obama 2009

Donald Trump 2017

Joe Biden 2021