Learn English and Spanish | Words Used Outside | Rock N Learn

Learn English and Spanish | Words Used Outside | Rock N Learn with tags learn english, learn spanish, emergent bilingual, learn outside words in spanish, learn english speaking, english speaking, english lesson, learn english for kids, learn spanish for kids, learn spanish for beginners, learn spanish fast, learn english for spanish speakers, how to learn spanish, english speaking practice, learn spanish free, best way to learn spanish, spanish for beginners, learn english for beginners, esl
Help your child become bilingual early on. Kids learn fun words useful for outdoors in both English and Spanish. Includes: hello (hola), the door (la puerta), the outside (el exterior), the inside (el interior), the cloud (la nube), the sun (el sol), the butterfly (la mariposa), the flower (la flor), the rabbit (el conejo), he jumps (él salta), the tree (el árbol), the squirrel (la ardilla), the bird (el pájaro), the nest (el nido), the leaf (la hoja), the rocks (las rocas), she runs (ella corre), he hides (él se esconde), she finds (ella encuentra), he walks (él camina). Great for: kids first learning to speak, English language learners, Spanish language learners, emergent bilingual, and more. Bilingualism is a benefit. Students who can speak more than one language have advantages in communication skills, memory, decision-making, and analytical skills.