Tracy's Tractor Creates A Mess! | Carl's Car Wash | Cartoons For Kids

Tracy's Tractor Creates A Mess! | Carl's Car Wash | Cartoons For Kids with tags carl's car wash, tracy's tractor, tracy's tractor creates a corncob mess, tractors, tractors for kid, cartoon for kids, cartoons, tractors for kids, car wash videos, car wash, carl’s car wash, kids videos, police car, toys for kids, cars for kids, cartoon shows, airplanes, big toys, super simple tv, super simple, for kids, children’s show, helicopter, toys for girls, toys for boys, bubbles
While on her way to harvest some corn, Tracy's tractor goes out of control and spins circles in her cornfield, creating a corncob mess! There's only one person who can help clean her vehicle up! Carl at Carl's Car Wash! With a quick mess assessment and a few twists of some knobs, Carls suds-sational car wash is ready to give Tracy's vehicle a good scrub-a-dub! Tracy heads out one happy customer, and is ready to get back to the farm and harvest some corn!*****Subscribe for more cartoons Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic The Bumble Nums Carl's Car Wash Treetop Family Skyship Entertainment Company 2017