The tale of the boy who tricked a tyrant - Paschal Kyiiripuo Kyoore


The tale of the boy who tricked a tyrant - Paschal Kyiiripuo Kyoore with tags yagangnaa, west african myths, west africa mythology, dagara, dagara myths, dagara mythology, chief, naming ritual, pito, millet, battle of wits, wisdom, challenge, calabash, cattle, kraal, outsmart, outwit, mythology, myths, teded myths, storytelling, history, culture, west african culture, education, animation, paschal kyiiripuo kyoore, lesego vorster, the hidden hand studios, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Get to know the Dagara tale of Yagangnaa, a boy who defied a tyrannical chief, and witness their ensuing battle of wits.


Shock seized the West African Dagara village as word travelled of a new decree. Completely disregarding time-honored naming rituals, the tyrannical chief declared that he alone would name the village’s children. But soon an unlikely challenger appeared: Yagangnaa, the boy who named himself. Paschal Kyiiripuo Kyoore shares the tale of the defiant boy and his battle of wits with the chief.

Lesson by Paschal Kyiiripuo Kyoore, directed by Lesego Vorster, The Hidden Hand Studios.

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