Who Took the Candy? Halloween Songs and Nursery Rhymes by Dave and Ava


Who Took the Candy? Halloween Songs and Nursery Rhymes by Dave and Ava with tags dave and ava, halloween songs for toddlers, halloween songs for kids, halloween songs, halloween songs for children, halloween, nursery rhymes, halloween song, halloween song for children, halloween songs for children's parties, dave and ava nursery rhymes, who took the candy, halloween song for kids, halloween candy, who took the candy from the trick or treat bag, toddlers, kids halloween song

Download Dave and Ava's App for iOS https://goo.gl/6G93HR and Android https://goo.gl/oghnGe Who Took The Candy? Check out these fun nursery rhymes and Halloween songs in the new compilation by Dave and Ava!Subscribe now for new nursery rhymes - https://www.youtube.com/DaveAndAva?sub_confirmation=1 Watch our collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcsjhHhVunI&t=25s&list=PLURXwwh2i_mcgwdQrVMmh-txx-g1qRcZX&index=1If you like this video, share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfETdDhaIF8&feature=youtu.beDave and Ava are getting ready for this Halloween party! Check out our new Halloween song for kids to sing along on this fun holiday.Go to your favorite Halloween song by selecting a title below:00:19 Who Took The Candy? Halloween Song 03:46 If You`re Monster and You Know It 07:55 Five Little Kittens 10:05 Halloween Finger Family Song 13:05 Halloween Song 15:30 Rig a Jig Jig 17:32 Johny Johny Yes Papa 19:45 One Little Finger Part 1 22:52 Little Bunny Foo Foo 26:09 Hickory Dickory Dock Check out more songs for babies by Dave and Ava: Ring Around The Rosie | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs Collection by Dave and Avahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPRJ4WhX7kQOne Little Finger | Cartoon Animation Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Children | Dave and Avahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9kKqeoobww Please like and share to show your support! Our social media profiles:https://www.facebook.com/daveandavatv https://www.instagram.com/daveandava https://twitter.com/daveandava https://www.youtube.com/daveandava#daveandava #daveandavatime #daveandavanurseryrhymes Copyright Dave and Ava LTD 2018. All rights reserved.