The life cycle of a cup of coffee - A.J. Jacobs


The life cycle of a cup of coffee - A.J. Jacobs with tags coffee, cup of coffee, coffee beans, coffea trees, agriculture, coffee plants, coffee cherries, harvest, agriculture workers, colombia, pitalito, wet milling, q grader, cupping, mouthfeel, aroma, taste, coffee quality, roasting machine, sustainability, farming, farm hands, fair wage, education, animation, aj jacobs, biljana labovic, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Trace the globe-spanning journey of coffee as it goes from plant to brew, and the complex infrastructure that makes it possible.


How many people does it take to make a cup of coffee? For many of us, all it takes is a short walk and a quick pour. But this simple staple is the result of a globe-spanning process whose cost and complexity are far greater than you might imagine. AJ Jacobs traces the journey of this caffeinated elixir from seed to cup.

Lesson by A.J. Jacobs, directed by Biljana Labovic.

Animation by Daniella Schnitzer

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