The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose

The genius of Marie Curie - Shohini Ghose with tags ted, ted-ed, ted education, ted ed, shohini ghose, anna nowakowska, marie curie, maria skłodowska, pierre curie, henri becquerel, physics, chemistry, radium, pitchblende, radioactive, nobel prize, nobel laureate, sorbonne, paris, poland, x-ray
View full lesson: Skodowska Curies revolutionary research laid the groundwork for our understanding of physics and chemistry, blazing trails in oncology, technology, medicine, and nuclear physics, to name a few. But what did she actually do? Shohini Ghose expounds on some of Marie Skodowska Curies most revolutionary discoveries. Lesson by Shohini Ghose, animation by Anna Nowakowska.