The Frozen Treat History | Invention of Popsicles by 11 Years Old Frank Epperson | Dr. Binocs Show


The Frozen Treat History | Invention of Popsicles by 11 Years Old Frank Epperson | Dr. Binocs Show with tags invention of popsicle, popsicles, who invented the popsicle, frank epperson, food history, what was the accidental invention of popsicles, did an 11 year old invent popsicles, story of the popsicle, frozen, popsicle, ice pop, invention of ice pop, popsicle sticks, invention, accidental inventions, popsicle invention, popsicle invention story, popsicle stick invention, peekaboo kidz, dr binocs show, history of the popsicle, ice cream candy, ice cream, frank epperson popsicle, kids

A popsicle is a sweet, frozen treat on a stick. There's nothing like a bright red, cherry-flavored popsicle on a hot summer day. This word is commonly used for any water-based frozen dessert that you lick while holding a stick. Popsicle is actually a brand name for a specific company's ice pop.

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