The fascinating science behind phantom limbs - Joshua W. Pate

The fascinating science behind phantom limbs - Joshua W. Pate with tags ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education, joshua a. pate, kozmonot animation studio, phantom limbs, phantom limb pain
Check out our Patreon page: full lesson: vast majority of people whove lost a limb can still feel it not as a memory or vague shape, but in complete lifelike detail. They can flex their phantom fingers and sometimes even feel the chafe of a watch band or the throb of an ingrown toenail. What causes these phantom limb sensations? Joshua W. Pate explains how the brain reacts to a missing limb. Lesson by Joshua W. Pate, directed by Kozmonot Animation Studio.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Arturo De Leon, Eduardo Briceo, Ricardo Paredes, David Douglass, Grant Albert, Jen, Megan Whiteleather, Mayank Kaul, Ryohky Araya, Tan YH, Ph.D., Brittiny Elman, Kostadin Mandulov, Yanuar Ashari, Mrinalini , Anthony Kudolo, Querida Owens, Hazel Lam, Manav parmar, Siamak H, Dominik Kugelmann, Mary Sawyer, David Rosario, Samuel Doerle, Susan Herder, Prasanth Mathialagan, Yanira Santamaria, Dawn Jordan, Constantin Salagor, Kevin Wong, Umar Farooq, Goh Xiang Ting Diana, Cristbal Medina Moenne, MJ Tan Mingjie, Yansong Li, Jason A Saslow, Henry Li, Kyle Nguyen, Taylor Hunter, Noa Shore, Lex Azevedo, Merit Gamertsfelder, Bev Millar, Rishi Pasham, Jhuval , SookKwan Loong, Daniel Day, Nick Johnson, Bruno Pinho, Javier Aldavaz and Marc Veale.