The Box of Will Quest Part 1: 1 Million Subscriber Special SuperHeroKids SHK Comic in Real Life

The Box of Will Quest Part 1: 1 Million Subscriber Special SuperHeroKids SHK Comic in Real Life with tags superherokids, superhero kids, super hero kids, comic, comics, in real life, irl, zane, hope, hope marie, noah, eden, shk, shk family, skits, parody, vs, mystery, quest, robots, the commander
SuperHeroKids t shirts here a strange box lands in The Commander's bowl of cereal, he's not sure what to make of it. Paul shows up to explain what "The Box of Will" is and send Commander on a quest. He must make the long journey to the top of fire mountain and destroy the box! But, the queen and her robots want possession of the box. She will send her robots to battle in order to complete her grand plan and collect every superhero there is and put them in the box! Will Commander and his team be able to keep "The Box of Will" out of the queen's robots hands and complete the journey to fire mountain? Watch Part 1 of this two part story! Thanks for watching!Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram pages@superherokids7