Ten in The Bed and More Educational Kids Songs - LooLoo Kids Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


Ten in The Bed and More Educational Kids Songs - LooLoo Kids Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs with tags ten in the bed, ten in a bed, ten in the bed song, ten in a bed looloo kids, ten in the bed looloo kids, looloo kids ten in the bed, looloo kids, nursery rhymes, johny and friends, songs for kids, loolookids nursery rhymes, baby songs, #loolookids, educational, songs for children, kindergarten songs, looloo kids nursery rhymes, kids videos, kids song, song, sing-along songs, loloo kids ten in the bed, kids cartoon, sing-along, baby, best kids songs

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00:00 Ten in a Bed

02:31 Baby Shark

04:19 Zigaloo Dance

06:39 Peek-a-Boo

08:27 Five Little Monkyes

10:43 The Wheels On The Bus

12:47 Old MacDonald Had a Farm

14:06 A Ram Sam Sam

16:44 Incy Wincy Spider

18:20 Humpty Dumpty

20:05 The Abc Song

21:57 If You're Happy and You Know It

23:37 My two little hands

26:02 Chocolate

27:59 Cobbler Cobbler

29:39 Johny Johny Yes Papa

31:09 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

32:36 The Muffin Man

34:32 The Ants Go Marching

36:32 She'll be Coming Round the Mountain

38:37 Down in the jungle

41:11 We Have Fun

43:40 Looby Loo

Ten in the Bed LYRICS

There were ten in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were nine in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were eight in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were seven in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were six in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were five in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were four in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were three in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There were two in a bed

And the little one said

"Roll over, roll over"

So they all rolled over

And one fell out


There was one in a bed

And the little one said

I’m sooo sleepy!

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Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!

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