Sustainable Cities and Communities ๐Ÿ™๏ธ SDG 11 ๐ŸŒฟ Sustainable Development Goals for Kids


Sustainable Cities and Communities ๐Ÿ™๏ธ SDG 11 ๐ŸŒฟ Sustainable Development Goals for Kids with tags youtube kids, smile and learn, videos for kids, educational, primary education, sustainable development goals, sdgs, planet, quality education, un, 2030, list, priorities, global, united nations, citizenship, education, goal, reduction, inequality, sustainable, city, community, public transport, quality, cultural heritage, basic services, access to housing, sustainable city, green areas, generation, future, needs, society, societal growth, sustainable development

Educational video for children to learn about the eleventh of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable cities and communities. Sustainability is about meeting the needs of people today while growing the economy without compromising the needs of future generations and endangering the environment. Sustainable cities are those that offer a good quality of life to their residents without putting their resources at risk. Sustainable cities guarantee the rights of their residents, such as housing, access to green spaces, quality public transportation, and protection of cultural heritage, among other things. Countries should ensure that all people have access to adequate and safe housing with basic services, in places with adequate transportation systems while paying special attention to the needs of the most vulnerable people.

This video is a very useful and interesting resource for children. It is perfect for teaching what the Sustainable Development Goals are. It is an excellent video for primary education.

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