Super Spooky Halloween Storm⚡️| Kids Halloween Music | Super Simple Songs


Super Spooky Halloween Storm⚡️| Kids Halloween Music | Super Simple Songs with tags kids songs, songs for kids, nursery rhymes, super simple songs, halloween song, kids halloween, halloween, halloween cartoon, thunder and lightening, weather song, preschool song, puppets, daycare, preschool, kindergarten, classroom, esl, efl, ece, super simple, storybooks, parents, for kids, super simple learning, children's music, songs for school, classroom songs, fun and learning, nursery rhyme, english, fun learning activities, english language, kids activities, teaching

BOOM! WHOOSH! The thunder and lightning come crashing down this Halloween night, giving Rhymington Square quite a fright!!! 🎶 It was a super spooky Halloween storm. A super spooky Halloween storm. The storm would give you quite a fright, on that super spooky Halloween night! 🎶

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One night I woke to a very loud sound.

The wind was howling as the rain came down.

When I heard the thunder I knew for sure,

it was a super spooky Halloween storm.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm.

A super spooky Halloween storm.

The storm would give you quite a fright,

on that super spooky Halloween night!

And the wind goes whoosh whoosh.

Whoosh whoosh.

Whoosh whoosh.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm!

And the rain goes pitter patter pitter patter.

Pitter patter pitter patter.

Pitter patter pitter patter.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm.

A super spooky Halloween storm.

The storm would give you quite a fright,

on that super spooky Halloween night!

And the thunder goes boom boom!

Boom boom!

Boom boom!

It was a super spooky Halloween storm!

Put them all together, and the Halloween storm gets louder.

Boom, whoosh, pitter patter pitter patter.

Boom, whoosh, pitter patter pitter patter.

Boom, whoosh, pitter patter pitter patter.

Boom, whoosh, pitter patter pitter patter.

Wait! Listen!

The storm is calming down

and it’s quiet now.

The moon is shining bright.

Oh, what a peaceful night.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm.

A super spooky Halloween storm.

The thunder and wind and rain gave a fright

on this super spooky Halloween night.

It was a super spooky Halloween storm.

A super spooky Halloween storm.

The thunder and wind and rain gave a fright

on this super spooky Halloween night.



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