Science Song 🌞 Science Everywhere 🌞 Everything is Science 🌞 Songs For Kids by The Learning Station
Science Song 🌞 Science Everywhere 🌞 Everything is Science 🌞 Songs For Kids by The Learning Station with tags science song, science song for kids, kids songs, science song for kindergarten, earth science, science song for elementary, science song for children, the learning station science, songs for kids to sing, kids songs videos, kids songs with lyrics, science song lyrics, kids song, childrens music, songs for kids, kids songs english, science for kids at home, science for kids videos
Everything is science and science is everywhere, as kids will learn with this song by The Learning Station, sung by Don Monopoli.
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Science Song
By The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station)
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved)
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses,
your eyes, your touch and ears
Standing in a puddle kicking water in the air
It’s science and it’s weather
You can see and feel and share.
How’s the weather is a question
You might ask of other places
It’s not surprising if it’s different
Compared to your location.
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses,
your eyes, your touch and ears
You might be catching raindrops
While others might have sun
You’re inside on your tablet
Others outside having fun
Science includes weather and looking at a cloud
Seeing lightning, feeling wind,
Hearing thunder soft and loud.
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses,
your eyes, your touch and ears
Smell the flowers feel the plants
It’s science when things grow
And seeing fruits and vegetables
All planted in a row.
The taste the feel, the size and smell
Are science at it’s best
And so is laying on the grass
Or watching birds make nests.
Science S-C-I-E-N-C-E Science S-C-I-E-N-C-E
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses
Your eyes your touch and ears
Dig the dirt beneath your feet
And know the soil smells like earth.
Feel the air riding your bicycle
watch animals give birth.
These things are part of science
And to learn them is enlightening
Trees are science but in storms
As shelter they are frightening.
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses
Your eyes your touch and ears
Everything is science with science everywhere
Enjoy it with your senses
Your eyes your touch and ears
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