Sand Art Beach Activities for Kids Drawing In Sand Action Songs by The Learning Station


Sand Art Beach Activities for Kids Drawing In Sand Action Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, song for kids, songs for kids, kids songs, kids songs to dance to, songs for kids to sing, songs for kids with lyrics, beach activities for toddlers, beach activities song, beach activities for kids

Sand Art is a beach activity for kids, encouraging them to be creative and draw in the sand. An action song inspiring creativity and art in the sand!

Sand Art is by The Learning Station (Also know as Learning Station) and sung by Don Monopoli. This action and creative sand play song is ideal for the beach, sand and water table or anywhere you have sand and kids!

The Learning Station on Spotify here:

The Learning Station on Amazon Music here:

And here as a physical CD that ships:

Sand Art

by The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station)

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


Draw a picture in the sand, now erase it with one hand.

Draw an apple or a pear, or draw four sides and make a square.

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind. It’s sand art you can do it anytime.

You can do it anytime, you can do it anytime, and all you need is sand.

Draw a picture of a tree, or draw a picture of you and me.

Draw a peach or draw a plum, or you can draw most anyone.

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind. It’s sand art you can do it anytime.

You can do it anytime, you can do it anytime, and all you need is sand.

Draw a picture of a house. Draw a cat or draw a mouse.

Draw a cow or draw a horse and you can draw yourself, of course.

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind. It’s sand art you can do it anytime.

You can do it anytime, you can do it anytime, and all you need is sand.

Draw a flower or draw some plants. Draw some bees or draw some ants.

Draw a bus or draw a car, or draw a picture of a star.

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind. It’s sand art you can do it anytime.

You can do it anytime, you can do it anytime, and all you need is sand.

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind. It’s sand art you can do it anytime.

It’s sand art, sand art just draw what’s on your mind. sand art It’s sand art sand art

you can do it anytime. sand art

It’s sand art, sand art just draw what’s on your mind. sand art It’s sand art sand art

you can do it anytime. sand art

It’s sand art, just draw what’s on your mind.




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