Rock Scissors Paper #4 | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

Rock Scissors Paper #4 | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs with tags songs for kids, rock, scissors, paper, rock scissors paper, math song, addition, math for kids, counting, numbers, how to add, finger song, nursery rhymes, super simple songs, funny, silly, monsters, for kids, for children, for boys, for girls, song, toddlers, kindergarten, 123, numbers song, baby songs, children, educational, songs for children, kids, nursery, kids songs
Practice simple mathematics with this version of the Super Simple Songs for kids, Rock, Scissors, Paper. What's 2 + 2? How about 5 + 2?How about 0 + 0? Let's find out! Let's practice addition!Subscribe Simple Songs Playlist, scissors, paper. Rock, scissors, paper.One, two, three. Play with me. Right hand SCISSORS!Left hand SCISSORS!Two plus two equals FOUR! Rock, scissors, paper.Rock, scissors, paper.One, two, three.Play with me.Right hand PAPER!Left hand SCISSORS!Five plus two equals SEVEN! Rock, scissors, paper.Rock, scissors, paper.One, two, three.Play with me.Right hand PAPER!Left hand PAPER!Five plus five equals TEN!Rock, scissors, paper.Rock, scissors, paper.One, two, three.Play with me.Right hand PAPER!Left hand ROCK!Five plus zero equals FIVE!Rock, scissors, paper.Rock, scissors, paper.One, two, three.Play with me.Right hand ROCK!Left hand ROCK!Zero plus zero equals ZERO!******Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:*****We're Super Social, too!facebook:*****Super Simple Songs and Super Simple Learning are registered trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company.#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #supersimplesongs