Most Popular Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs from Dave and Ava

Most Popular Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs from Dave and Ava with tags johny johny yes papa, wheels on the bus, mary had a little lamb, itsy bitsy spider, old macdonald had a farm, hickory dickory dock, nursery rhymes, the wheels on the bus, kids songs, incy wincy spider, songs for kids, johny johny, popular nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes collection
Download Dave and Ava's App for iOS and Android Download Numbers from Dave and Ava for iOS Android along to your favorite nursery rhymes and songs for babies!Subscribe now for new nursery rhymes - Watch our collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at you like this video, share it out our new nursery rhymes collection today! We added most of the all-time favorite songs for babies to keep your little ones busy all day long. Dave and Ava will help kids to start counting 1 to 5, learn some animal sounds and much more! Go to your favorite nursery rhyme by selecting a title below:00:19 Johny Johny Yes Papa 03:01 Ava, Ava, Yes Mama 06:31 Wheels on the Bus Animal Sounds Song 09:51 Mary Had a Little Lamb 13:46 Hickory Dickory Dock16:38 One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Once I Caught a Fish Alive 19:45 Rain Rain Go Away 22:32 Row Row Row Your Boat 25:05 Brother John 27:24 Itsy Bitsy Spider 29:47 Old MacDonald Had a FarmWatch more nursery rhymes from Dave and Ava: Farm Animals Song | Learn Farm Animals and Animal Sounds | Dave and Ava Little Bunny Foo Foo | 30 minutes Nursery Rhymes Collection from Dave and Ava like and share to show your support! Our social media profiles: Dave and Ava LTD 2018. All rights reserved.