Leo the truck is assembling a dump truck at a junkyard. Cars and trucks & Car cartoons for kids.


Leo the truck is assembling a dump truck at a junkyard. Cars and trucks & Car cartoons for kids. with tags cartoons for kids, cars and trucks, leo the truck, dump truck for kids, trucks for kids, cars for kids, cartoon trucks, trucks cartoon for kids, truck cartoon for kids, leo and friends, car cartoons for kids, baby cartoons, cars for toddlers, leo builds trucks, street vehicles for kids, working machines for kids, funny robots for kids, kids animation, kids cartoons

Come watch new car cartoons for kids and build new cars and trucks for kids with Leo and his friends! Let's visit a junkyard and assemble a dump truck with Leo the truck and funny robots.

00:00 - The mixed parts

06:27 - A new station

13:00 - The stable

19:47 - The train depot

26:40 - The boring machine