Leo the Truck & a big truck. Kids' cartoon with cars!


Leo the Truck & a big truck. Kids' cartoon with cars! with tags cartoons, videos for kids, leo the truck, truck for kids, trucks for kids, robots for kids, cartoons for kids, lifty the loader, kids cartoon, cars for kids, big truck, trucks for children, video for kids, dump truck, leo the truck english, kids learning, cartoons for children, baby cartoon, cartoon for kids, cartoon, kidsfirsttv, cars, truck, building blocks, loader, leo loves lifty, kids vehicles, channel for kids

Watch new kids' cartoons with Leo the Truck and cars for kids - new episodes on the KidsFirstTV channel! Today Leo the Truck is building a big truck for kids to carry building blocks! Our robots for kids were playing and building castles with blocks, but they ran out of blocks for kids! Leo the Truck and Lifty the Loader can help! Leo will bring more blocks from Lifty's shop! Lifty has a whole mountain of blocks for kids! But Leo the Truck can't carry all these block toys! Let's build a big dump truck for kids that will fit all the block toys that Lifty has at the shop! Watch Leo the Truck cartoons for children on our KidsFirstTV channel for kids!Build cars and trucks with Leo the Truck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvPF5upenRQ&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qd19PGLcFQjHkXdQAw6U2kr Repair cars with Doctor McWheelie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P987mDsp0xI&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qdmX0udNwnsRIZYA04ZOaIBPlay & learn vehicles with Excavator Max https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHKVE6hV2nI&list=PLdqtsRz9B9qfwOBUqFQZNzSsU3HJk_e7wFind us on VK https://vk.com/kidsfirsttvFacebook https://www.facebook.com/KidsFirstTVSubscribe to our KidsFirstTV channel here www.youtube.com/user/KidsFirstTV?sub_confirmation=1