Leo and friends on the farm! Funny cartoons for kids & Learning baby videos. Cartoon collection.


Leo and friends on the farm! Funny cartoons for kids & Learning baby videos. Cartoon collection. with tags cartoons for kids, funny cartoons for kids, baby videos, learning, cartoon, collection, cartoons, farm, leo the truck, leo, for babies, learning videos, street vehicles, videos for babies, learn numbers, for kids, play learn, cartoon for kids, cars games, farm vehicles, cars for kids, trucks for kids, working machines, tractor, vehicles, toy, toys, stories for kids

Leo and friends on the farm! Watch funny cartoons for kids and the best learning baby videos in our cartoon collection. Join our cars' games and watch new cartoon stories for kids about Leo the truck and toy vehicles of all kinds. Pretend to play and have fun with your best friends - Leo the truck, Lifty the forklift, Lea the truck, Scoop the excavator and funny robots.

00:00 - Leo and a storage

07:09 - Leo and a Harvester in the tunnel

14:10 - Leo and a plane ladder

20:48 - Lea's garage

28:25 - An airport for robots

34:35 - Leo and a RC boat