Ice Cream at The Shopping Centre | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

Ice Cream at The Shopping Centre | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags kids songs, kids videos, learning, little angel, little angel english, little angel kids songs, little angel nursery rhymes, little angels, little angle, little john nursery rhymes, lollipops, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, shopping centre, sing along, sing-along, songs for kids, toddler songs, toy for kids
Baby John has a fun day at the mall.
Watch this 3D Sing-Along by Little Angel. #littleangel #littleangelnurseryrhymes #babyjohn
Song Lyrics:
Fun Day at the Mall Lyrics;
I like to walk inside the mall,
Inside the mall, inside the mall
Fun new things to do and see
Heigh-ho,Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
So many things to do and see
Fun new things to do and see
Oh, Daddy daddy, where are you?
Where are you, where are you?
I´m over here in my costume
I want to play with you!
I like to walk inside the mall,
Inside the mall, inside the mall
Lot’s of bats and balls to see
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho
Oh, Mommy mommy, where are you?
Where are you, where are you?
I like to walk inside the mall,
Inside the mall, inside the mall
Cutting hair, a chair so tall
Heigh-ho,Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho
Oh, Brother brother, where are you?
Where are you, where are you?
I'm over here on the animal ride
And you can ride it too!
Watch Our Playlists:
These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.
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#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes
00:00 Trip To The Mall
04:21 Finger Family Puppet Show
07:38 Doctor Knows Best
10:41 Happy Birthday to you
13:24 I Want To Be An Astrounaut
17:21 An Ofrenda for My Family
20:21 Fun in the Mud!
23:25 Doctor Knows What's Good For You
26:39 Playdate at the Movies
29:38 Rain Rain Go Away
32:36 Lost At The Theme Park (Where’s Mommy & Daddy?)
36:16 Help Me (My Tooth Is Loose)
40:08 The Why Song
42:54 Family Vacation (Swimming Pool Games)