Yucky Broccoli Ice Cream | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs


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Learning different tastes and smells is a hard time, especially when they are gross and yucky! With the help of kids songs and nursery rhymes, we learn to avoid such things. Enjoy this new version of the Yucky Song and other exciting melodies.

#BabyJohn #SingAlongs #EducationalSongs


There’s something yucky

What is that? It smells so bad

Oh so disgusting

Stinky, smelly, yuck

What - is that stink?

Where’s it coming from?

Is - that rotten cheese?

That is very yuck!

There’s something yucky

What is that? It smells so bad

Oh so disgusting

Stinky, smelly, yuck

There’s something yucky

What is that? It looks so bad

Oh so disgusting

Yucky, icky, ew

Ewwww!! Do - you like ice cream?

Mixed with broccoli?

Oh - no, no, no no

That is super gross

There’s something yucky

What is that? It looks so bad

Oh so disgusting

Yucky, icky, eww

There’s something yucky

What is that? It looks so bad

Oh so disgusting

Slimy, gooey, yuck

Do - not pick your nose

It’s not what we do

Keep - your fingers clean

Do not pick your nose

There’s something yucky

What is that? It looks so bad

Oh so disgusting

Slimy, gooey, yuck

There’s something yucky

What is that? It looks so bad

Oh so disgusting

Slimy, gooey, yuck

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These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

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