How you survive the coldest place on Earth - Nadia Frontier

How you survive the coldest place on Earth - Nadia Frontier with tags antarctica, antarctic, antarctic ice, antarctica iceberg, icebergs, antarctic animals, marine animals, animals, phytoplankton, phytoplankton bloom, antarctic winter, antarctic summer, giant antarctic isopod, isopod, pill bug, crustaceans, amphipod, plankton, algae, frazil, frazil ice, giant sea spiders, sea spider, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, limpets, education, science, marine biology, animation, nadia frontier, sharon colman, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Explore how marine creatures survive the frigid waters of Antarctica, and what traits allow them to live in such conditions.
The vast, white surface of Antarctica stretches for over 3 million square kilometers. On the coast of this expanse, just a few meters beneath the ice, lies a remarkably diverse realm that is home to over 8,000 species of sea denizens who rely on an arsenal of otherworldly traits to survive. So how do these species not only live, but thrive, in such harsh conditions? Nadia Frontier investigates.
Lesson by Nadia Frontier, directed by Sharon Colman.
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