How can you change someone's mind? (hint: facts aren't always enough) - Hugo Mercier

How can you change someone's mind? (hint: facts aren't always enough) - Hugo Mercier with tags hugo mercier, ted-ed, ted ed, ted education, politics, debate, communication, critical thinking
Check out our Patreon page: full lesson: do arguments change peoples minds in some cases and backfire in others? Hugo Mercier explains how arguments are more convincing when they rest on a good knowledge of the audience, taking into account what the audience believes, who they trust, and what they value.Lesson by Hugo Mercier, animation by TED-Ed.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Scheherazade Kelii, Errys , James Bruening, Michael Braun-Boghos, Ricardo Diaz, Kack-Kyun Kim, Artem Minyaylov, Alexandrina Danifeld, Danny Romard, Yujing Jiang, Stina Boberg, Mariana Ortega, Anthony Wiggins, Hoai Nam Tran, Joe Sims, David Petrovi, Chris Adriaensen, Lowell Fleming, Amir Ghandeharioon, Anuj Tomar, Sunny Patel, Vijayalakshmi , Devesh Kumar, Uday Kishore, Aidan Forero, Leen Mshasha, Allan Hayes, Thomas Bahrman, Vaibhav Mirjolkar, Tony, Michelle, Katie and Josh Pedretti, Erik Biemans, Gaurav Mathur, Sameer Halai, Hans Peng, Tekin Gltekin, Hector Quintanilla, Raheem , Penelope Misquitta, Ravi S. Rmphal, Emma Moyse, Fahad Nasser Chowdhury, Marin Kovachev, Roman Pinchuk, Mohamad Aiman Fitri Bin Annuar, Daniel Huerga, Maria Lerchbaumer, Edgar Campos Barrachina, Dianne Palomar, The Brock, Curtis Light, Ernest Chow, Liana Switzer, Maija Chapman, Pamela Harrison, Dylan Drover, Mighterbump , Beatriz Incio, Robert Hargis, Soma Ali, Mark wisdom, Mircea Srbu, Ai Ejima, Irindany Sandoval, William Bravante, Elizabeth Parker, Sai Krishna Koyoda, Therapist Gus, Samuel Barbas, Betsy Feathers, Maxwell Ingram, Ajinkya Deshmukh, Victoria Soler-Roig, Abdulmateen Aderinto, Pavel Maksimov, Barbara Younker, Cyrus Garay, Yvette Mocete, Mike Azarkman, Valeria Sloan Vasquez, Patricia Alves Panagides, and William Biersdorf.