How Animals Talk - Kote Kitty Kids Songs


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A doggie says: woof woof woof

A mouse says: squeak squeak squeak

A fly says: bzz bzz bzz

And a horse says: neigh neigh neigh

Now we know, now we know

How the animals can talk

Now let’s play a little game

Let’s repeat the sounds they make

Woof woof woof

Squeak squeak squeak

Bzz bzz bzzz

Neigh neigh neigh

Wish we could understand

What the animals say

Kitties and doggies

What is it they say?

Flies, mice or horsies

What are they trying to say?

Wish we could understand

What the animals say!

English lyrics and adaptation by Marina V @MarinaVmusic and Nick Baker

Vocals by Charissa Whillock

Director, Producer - Arthur Dneprovsky

(c) Big Papa Media LLC, 2024