Itchy Itchy Mosquito Go Away - Kote Kitty Kids Songs


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Meow Meow Kote Kitty presents Kids song about Mosquito and other bugs.

Mosquitoes, they are flying

Mosquitoes buzzing by

I think they want to bite me

And I just don’t know why

Please don’t bite me

I’m very very frightened

Cause if you bite me

I’ll be itchy and bumpy

Ay ay ay, pretty pretty please don’t bite

Ay ay ay, pretty please don’t bite

Ay ay ay, pretty pretty please don’t bite

Ay ay ay, pretty please don’t bite

Flies, they are flying

Flies are buzzing by

I think they want to bite me

And I just don’t know why

Wasps, they are flying

Wasps are buzzing by

I think they want to sting me

And I just don’t know why

English lyrics and adaptation by Marina V @MarinaVmusic and Nick Baker

Vocals by Charissa Whillock

Director, Producer - Arthur Dneprovsky

(c) Big Papa Media LLC, 2023

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