Veggies Song for Kids - Kote Kitty


Veggies Song for Kids - Kote Kitty with tags meow-meow kitty, songs for kids, kitty and magic garage, kids animation, hide and seek, kote kitty song, kote kitty tractor, veggies song, hickory dickory dock, meow, itsy bitsy spider, finger family, abc song, wheels on the bus, bartolito, surprise eggs, ball cartoon, ball videos for babies, meow meow cartoon, egg cartoon, meow meow, ball videos, learn veggies

Kote Kitty presents song and game for kids! Let's learn Veggies together! Try to guess which veggie’s hiding there!

In the garden veggies

Are playing hide and seek

We can only see their tops cause

They are growing really deep

Can you tell which veggie’s hiding here?

Let’s pull them out and find out!

English lyrics and adaptation by Marina V @MarinaVmusic and Nick Baker

Vocals by Charissa Whillock

Director, Producer - Arthur Dneprovsky

(c) Big Papa Media LLC, 2023