History vs. Augustus - Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler

History vs. Augustus - Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler with tags ted, ted-ed, teded, ted ed, ted education, peta greenfield, alex gendler, brett underhill, augustus, history vs., julius caesar, rome, cleopatra, mark antony, military, government, empire, trial
Check out our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/tededView full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/history-vs-augustus-alex-gendler-and-peta-greenfieldHis reign marked the beginning of one of historys greatest empires and the end of one of its first republics. Was Romes first emperor a visionary leader who guaranteed his civilizations place in history, or a tyrant who destroyed its core values? Peta Greenfield and Alex Gendler put this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Augustus.Lesson by Peta Greenfield & Alex Gendler, animation by Brett Underhill.Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Stephanie Perozo, Marc Bilodeau, Ruby Solorzano, Ivan Tsenov, Claudia Mayfield, Pavel Zalevskiy, Yankai Liu, Duo Xu, Ghassan Alhazzaa, Milo Stevanovi, Joy Love Om, Gi Nam Lee, Shawn Quichocho, Simone Kidner, Anika Westburg, Barun Padhy, Brandy Jones, Devin Harris, Tony Trapuzzano, Stephen Michael Alvarez, Tom Lee, Juliana, Jason Weinstein, Kris Siverhus, Alexander Walls, Annamaria Szilagyi, Morgan Williams, Abhijit Kiran Valluri, Mandeep Singh, Sama aafghani, , Marylise CHAUFFETON, Marvin Vizuett, Jayant Sahewal, Quinn Shen, Caleb ross, Elizabeth Cruz, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Gaurav Rana, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Dan Paterniti, Jerome Froelich, Tyler Yoshizumi, and Martin Stephen.