Good Morning Song for Children Morning Greeting Song Kids Songs The Learning Station


Good Morning Song for Children Morning Greeting Song Kids Songs The Learning Station with tags good morning song, good morning good morning, goodmorning, good morning to you, good morning song for children, good morning song for kindergarten, good morning song for kids, morning song, قود مورننق, good morning song for preschool, good morning song lyrics, good morning song for kids with lyrics, greetings songs for kids, good morning lyrics, goodmorning song, good morning songs, good morning children, the learning station, morning

Good Morning song (with lyrics) is our #1 best song for kids and the most popular greetings song for kids that invite them to interact greeting their friend with good morning, friendly greetings including waving, a hug and hand shake. Our Good Morning song is perfect for preschool, kindergarten and elementary children. This song also has a simple call and response which makes it easy for children to follow along. ******Good Morning (Good Morning and greetings song for kids)By The Learning StationFrom the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)LYRICS:(Activity: Set the pace for a positive day with our popular good morning, greeting song for children (preschool, kindergarten and elementary. Kids will share a friendly wave, hug and hand shake.)Good morning (good morning) to you. Its so nice to see you. Its fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and well shine like a star.We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Lets celebrate. Its a brand new day.)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Its a beautiful day.)Good morning (good morning) to you. Its so nice to see you. Its fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and well shine like a star.We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Lets celebrate. Its a brand new day.)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Its a beautiful day.)Good morning (good morning) to you. Its so nice to see you. Its fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and well shine like a star.We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Lets celebrate. Its a brand new day.)(Hey, hey, what do you say? Its a beautiful day.)Good morning.Good Morning is on the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD Download: Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD: Special Thanks to: Good Morning YouTube illustrations & animation by the renowned Corbett Vanoni: Like us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore!: The Learning Station: our store! CDs, CD Downloads, DVDs, Tee shirts & more: STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook:* FREE STUFF *Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: printable activities: #brainbreaks #goodmorningsongs #greetings songs