Funny Masks Game and other useful stories with Alice

Funny Masks Game and other useful stories with Alice with tags kids videos, vlad and niki, kids, for kids, kids playing, video for kids, fun, toys, kids toys, kids video, alice, learn, baby masks
Funny Masks Game and other useful stories with Alice!
00:00 Alice plays with Funny Masks and teaches Chris good behavior
04:43 Alice and Mom go through the secret rooms to help Chris
09:04 Alice and Colored Balls everywhere story
13:13 Alice and Mom pretend play with toy microwave
18:00 Alice plays and won't sleep - Bedtime kids story
21:54 Alice and Mom preparing for Chris's birthday
26:48 Sink or float with Alice and Chris - Funny science experiment for kids
33:12 Alice learns safety rules in the pool - Useful story for kids
36:35 Alice learns to take care of her new pet
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