Alice has a fun at the pool and other useful stories for kids


Alice has a fun at the pool and other useful stories for kids with tags kids videos, vlad and niki, kids, for kids, kids playing, video for kids, fun, toys, kids toys, kids video, alice, learn, pool, rules, kids rules, good behavior

Alice has a fun at the pool and other useful stories for kids!

00:00 Alice learns safety rules in the pool - Useful story for kids

03:27 Sink or float with Alice and Chris - Funny science experiment for kids

08:22 Alice and Auntie built inflatable house

10:34 Funny Bubbles Story from Alice

14:24 Alice helps Chris find his cars

18:25 Alice and Chris learn to share the toy cars

21:31 Alice plays and won't sleep - Bedtime kids story

25:20 Alice and Mom learn and play morning routine

29:33 Alice and Dentist Check Up story

33:34 Alice has fun in Ice Cream Museum

37:08 Alice and auntie pack a suitcase and are going on a trip

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