Ethical dilemma: What makes life worth living? - Douglas MacLean


Ethical dilemma: What makes life worth living? - Douglas MacLean with tags meaning of life, life meaning, culture, memory, memories, art, literature, humanity, society, nuronium, polixate, philosophy, susan wolf, samuel scheffler, living, quality of life, happiness, utilitarianism, hedonism, thought experiment, ethics, ethical dilemma, ethical question, education, animation, douglas maclean, asparuh petrov, compote collective, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education

Puzzle through a classic ethical dilemma and decide: can human existence be meaningful without its creativity and culture?


Life on your planet depends entirely on Nuronium for normal cognition. Unfortunately, its source has been compromised and you are now at risk of extinction. Scientists have found an alternate energy source, Polixate, but it can’t sustain cognition and would mean the loss of people's creativity. So, what shall it be: extinction or life without culture? Douglas MacLean explores this classic dilemma.

Lesson by Douglas MacLean, directed by Asparuh Petrov, Compote Collective.

This video was produced in collaboration with the Parr Center for Ethics, housed within the renowned Philosophy Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Parr Center is committed to integrating abstract work in ethical theory with the informed discussion of practical ethical issues, and prides itself on the development of innovative and inclusive approaches to moral and civic education.

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