Ending Youtube Channel? Is Education Leaving Youtube?


Ending Youtube Channel? Is Education Leaving Youtube? with tags educational videos for preschoolers and kindergarten, math videos for kids, learning videos for kids, math videos for 1st grade, math videos for 2nd grade, math videos for 3rd grade, math videos for kindergarten

Please visit MageMath.com if you want to get our game and support us.This is not Clickbait at all. Youtube is making changes which means this channel is in limbo and possibly education for kids in general may not be on youtube anymore, or you may not find it. Here is a great video posted a little while ago that explains it better than what I can. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nnk9VZnve4&feature=youtu.beThe guy in that video is fighting for youtube and family content on youtube. This was explained really well and I though it might give more information if you want it. I hope to continue on youtube but we will need to see what happens and I need to make sure Mage Math takes off but most importantly it is hard to keep up on youtube if family content is going away from youtube.