Why Do Trees Shed Their Leaves In Autumn Season?

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HEY KIDS do you want to know WHY TREES SHED THEIR LEAVES IN AUTUMN SEASON?-------------------------------MORE LEARNING VIDEOS http://bit.ly/1vpdeJ7-------------------------------All Voices: Tulsi Kumar -------------------------------HELLO KIDS you are Learning "WHY DO TREES SHED THEIR LEAVES IN AUTUMN by Kids Hut..SUBSCRIBE US: http://bit.ly/1qsHVcaFor more Nursery Rhymes, Moral Stories and Things You(kids) Want To Know. ()Join our KIDS HUT Family here: - http://bit.ly/1qsHVca SUBSCRIBE us: http://bit.ly/1qsHVca Like us: https://www.facebook.com/kidshut Follow us: https://twitter.com/kids_hut Follow us: http://www.pinterest.com/kidshut-------------------------------