DIY Coin Battery | Electricity Science Experiment

DIY Coin Battery | Electricity Science Experiment with tags coin battery, how to make a battery, free energy, science experiments, science experiments projects, diy battery, diy battery pack, coin battery experiment, coin battery led light, make a battery with coins, make a battery, make a battery at home
Dive into the fascinating world of science with everyday materials. This experiment is a thrilling educational experience that everyone can participate in. Little ones will be amazed to see an LED light up using simple items, and older kids can take part in setting up the experiment themselves!
⭕ Materials:
* Copper Coins
* Aluminum foil
* Card
* Vinegar
* Salt
* Scissors
* Sticky Tape
* Wires
* Craft stick or a spoon for stirring
⭕ Instructions:
(1) First, clean your copper coins using a solution of vinegar and salt. This will enhance the reaction in the experiment.
(2) Cut the card and aluminium foil into circular shapes that match the size of your cleaned coins.
(3) Soak the cut-out card pieces in vinegar.
(4) Assemble each soaked card piece between a copper coin and a piece of aluminium foil, creating a "coin sandwich". Stack few layers, always ensuring the order is coin-card-foil.
(5) Secure the stacks with sticky tape and connect wires to the top and bottom.
(6) Lastly, attach wires to your LED. Sit back and watch the magic happen as it lights up!
⭕ Science Explained:
This exciting experiment utilises fundamental concepts of electrochemistry and electrical circuits. When the cleaned copper coins (made of metal) and the vinegar (an acid) interact, they generate a small electric charge. This process, known as an electrochemical reaction. The aluminium foil acts as a conductor, allowing the accumulated charge to travel through the coin-card-foil stacks, powering the LED in the process. It's a hands-on, engaging way to understand how batteries work, using items you can easily find around the house.
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