DAYS of the WEEK and EMOTIONS SONG πŸ“†πŸ˜ Every Day is Different 🎢 Days of the Week for Kids πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§


DAYS of the WEEK and EMOTIONS SONG πŸ“†πŸ˜ Every Day is Different 🎢 Days of the Week for Kids πŸ‘¦πŸ‘§ with tags youtube kids, smile and learn, videos for kids, educational, days of the week for kids, days of the week, songs for kids, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday, learning the days, preschool, primary education, elementary, singing with kids, days of the week in english, educational song, learning by singing, emotions

Educational video for kids that teaches the days of the week with a fun song. With this cheerful and catchy song they will learn the names and order of the days of the week. Children will also learn that all emotions are important and that it is normal to feel different emotions. Learning through songs encourages linguistic and cognitive development in a playful way.

This video is a very useful resource for preschool and primary school children who are learning the days of the week, as they will be able to learn the names and order of the days while having fun singing. Are you ready to sing the Smile and Learn songs?


Today is Monday.

How are you?

I am sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Tuesday.

How are you?

I am happy. (It’s ok)

Monday, I was sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Wednesday.

How are you?

I am bored. (It’s ok)

Tuesday, I was happy. (It’s ok)

Monday, sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Thursday.

How are you?

I am angry. (It’s ok)

Wednesday, I was bored. (It’s ok)

Tuesday, happy. (It’s ok)

Monday, sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Friday.

How are you?

I am excited. (It’s ok)

Thursday I was angry. (It’s ok)

Wednesday, bored. (It’s ok)

Tuesday, happy. (It’s ok)

Monday, sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Saturday.

How are you?

I am nervous. (It’s ok)

Friday I was excited. (It’s ok)

Thursday, angry. (It’s ok)

Wednesday, bored. (It’s ok)

Tuesday, happy. (It’s ok)

Monday, sleepy. (It’s ok)

'Cause every day is different.

Today is Sunday.

I feel relaxed.

I breathe in and I breathe out.

Some days are up, and some are down

It’s my life, and it’s ok.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday!

And every day is different!

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