Can you solve the egg drop riddle? - Yossi Elran

Can you solve the egg drop riddle? - Yossi Elran with tags ted, ted-ed, ted education, ted ed, riddle, egg, faberge, thief, equation
Check out our Patreon page: full lesson: city has just opened its one-of-a-kind Faberge Egg Museum, with a single egg displayed on each floor of a 100-story building -- and the worlds most notorious jewel thief already has her eyes on the prize. Can you help the thief formulate a plan that will drop the most expensive egg she can get safely into her waiting truck? Yossi Elran shows how. Lesson by Yossi Elran, directed by Artrake Studio. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible!Yuh Saito, Sarabeth Knobel, Quentin Le Menez, Mattia Veltri, Fabian Amels, Sandra Tersluisen, Marcel Trompeter-Petrovic, PnDAA, Jose Fernandez-Calvo, Steph, Zhexi Shan, Gustavo Mendoza, Brbara Nazar, Josh Engel, Natalia Rico, Andrea Feliz, Olivier Brunel, Bernardo Paulo, Victor E Karhel, Sydney Evans, Latora Slydell, Noel Situ, Elliot Poulin, Emily Lam, Alex Neal.