Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle? - Dan Finkel

Can you solve the cuddly duddly fuddly wuddly riddle? - Dan Finkel with tags ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education, dan finkel, dan finkel riddle, artrake studio, riddles, ted ed riddles, problem solving, math, cuddly, duddly, fuddly, wuddly, wuddly species, incubator, egg fusion, egg fusion machine
Youve promised to get your son the cutest creature in creation: the cuddly. Can you outsmart the cuddly incubator and go home a hero?--Youve promised to get your son the cutest creature in creation: the cuddly. Its part of the Wuddly species, cousin to the terrifying duddly and the hideous fuddly. To make one, 100 eggs are placed in an incubator to undergo egg fusion, and the resulting combination will produce either a cuddly, a duddly or a fuddly. Can you make the right combination to get a cuddly? Dan Finkel shows how.Lesson by Daniel Finkel, directed by Artrake Studio.Sign up for our newsletter: us on Patreon: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: full lesson: you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Ritul Raghavan, Mada Arslan, Nathan Giusti, Steven Razey, paul g mohney, Marisa Miller, Xavier dupont, Eliza Cram, David Lucsanyi, Vack91, calista, Mickey Mikeworth, Khalid AlAli, June Reiling, Jai Prasanth, Connor Ross McIntyre, Michele Lynn Rose, Elija Peterson, Kaitlyn holland, Scott Markley, Jan-Erik, Auxiliadora Trejos, Josue Perez Miranda, Jesse Jurman, NinjaBoffin, Siobhan O'Connor Gwozdz, Po Foon Kwong, Nazmul Idris, Vladimir Ivanchenko, Elizabeth Gu, Felderblick, Faizan, Rayo, Rare Media, France Lipuzic, Cristian Cristian, Eric McDaniel, Avinash Amarnath, Tonya Ratliff-Garrison, Dmitry Neverov, Connor Roberts, Regina Zurbano, Laurence McMillan, Monkeypatcher , Jorge Rodrguez, Bradley Heinold, John simmons, Ramanan, Mark Byers and Marcus Poulsen.